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Brewing the Perfect Cup of Kona Coffee at Home

There’s nothing quite like the aroma of freshly brewed Kona coffee to start your day on a high note. With its rich flavor, velvety texture, and delicate aroma, Kona coffee offers a luxurious coffee experience that is sure to satisfy even the most discerning coffee lovers. But brewing the perfect cup of Kona coffee at home can be an art form in itself, requiring the right equipment, techniques, and attention to detail. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to brewing the perfect cup of Kona coffee in the comfort of your own home, so you can enjoy the rich flavors and aromas of this beloved Hawaiian brew whenever you like.

Selecting Your Beans

Start by choosing high-quality Kona coffee beans that are freshly roasted and sourced from reputable growers in the Kona district of Hawaii. Look for beans that are labeled as “100% Kona coffee” to ensure you’re getting the real deal, as some blends may contain only a small percentage of Kona beans.

Grinding Your Beans

For the best flavor and aroma, grind your Kona coffee beans just before brewing using a burr grinder set to a medium-coarse grind. Avoid using a blade grinder, as it can create uneven particles that can lead to over-extraction and a bitter taste.

Measuring Your Coffee

The ideal coffee-to-water ratio for brewing Kona coffee is typically around 1 to 2 tablespoons of coffee per 6 ounces of water. Adjust the ratio to suit your personal taste preferences, keeping in mind that a stronger ratio will result in a bolder, more intense flavor.

Choosing Your Brewing Method

There are several brewing methods that can be used to brew Kona coffee, including drip brewing, pour-over, French press, and espresso. Each method offers its own unique set of advantages and flavor profiles, so choose the method that best suits your preferences and equipment.

Brewing Your Coffee

Regardless of the brewing method you choose, it’s important to use freshly boiled water that is just off the boil (around 200°F). Pour the water over the coffee grounds in a slow, steady stream, ensuring that all the grounds are evenly saturated. Let the coffee steep for the appropriate amount of time, then carefully decant or press to separate the brewed coffee from the grounds.

Savoring the Moment

Once your Kona coffee is brewed, take a moment to savor the rich flavors and aromas before enjoying your first sip. Notice the nuances of the coffee, from its fruity and floral notes to its smooth, velvety texture. Whether you’re enjoying your coffee alone or sharing it with friends and family, savoring the moment is an essential part of the coffee experience.

Brewing the perfect cup of Kona coffee at home is a rewarding and enjoyable experience that allows you to savor the rich flavors and aromas of this beloved Hawaiian brew whenever you like. By following these simple steps and paying attention to the details, you can enjoy a luxurious coffee experience that rivals even the finest coffee shops. So why not treat yourself to the indulgence of freshly brewed Kona coffee at home and elevate your morning routine to new heights of flavor and enjoyment?

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Kona Coffee and the Art of Cupping: How to Taste Like a Pro

Cupping is more than just a tasting technique—it’s an art form that allows coffee enthusiasts to fully appreciate the complexities and nuances of their favorite brews. For Kona coffee lovers, mastering the art of cupping is essential for unlocking the full potential of this beloved Hawaiian brew. In this guide, we’ll take you on a journey into the world of Kona coffee cupping, offering tips, tricks, and techniques to help you taste like a pro. From selecting the perfect beans to evaluating flavor profiles and aromas, we’ll cover everything you need to know to elevate your coffee tasting experience to new heights.

Selecting Your Beans

The first step in the cupping process is selecting the perfect beans. When choosing Kona coffee beans for cupping, look for freshly roasted, high-quality beans that are free from defects and uniform in size and color. Beans with a glossy appearance and a rich, aromatic scent are indicators of freshness and quality.

Preparing Your Equipment

To conduct a proper cupping session, you’ll need a few essential tools, including cupping bowls, spoons, a grinder, and a kettle for boiling water. Make sure your equipment is clean and free from any residual flavors or odors that could affect the taste of the coffee.

Grinding Your Beans

Before cupping, it’s important to grind your beans to a consistent size to ensure even extraction and optimal flavor. For Kona coffee, a medium-coarse grind is typically recommended to highlight the unique flavors and aromas of the beans. Grind only the amount of coffee you’ll be using for the cupping session to preserve freshness.

Brewing Your Coffee

To brew Kona coffee for cupping, use a ratio of 8.25 grams of coffee to 150 milliliters of water, following the Specialty Coffee Association’s standard cupping protocol. Pour hot water (just off the boil) over the grounds and let steep for 4 minutes. After steeping, break the crust that forms on the surface of the coffee with a spoon and gently agitate the grounds to release aromas.

Tasting Like a Pro

Now comes the fun part—tasting! Start by using a spoon to slurp a small amount of coffee from the cup, covering your entire palate to fully experience the flavors and aromas. Pay attention to the acidity, body, sweetness, and aftertaste of the coffee, noting any distinctive characteristics or flavor notes that stand out to you.

Evaluating Flavor Profiles

As you taste each cup of Kona coffee, take note of the flavor profiles that emerge, such as fruity, floral, chocolatey, or nutty. Consider the balance of flavors, the complexity of the coffee, and how it evolves from the first sip to the last. With practice, you’ll develop a discerning palate and a deeper appreciation for the art of cupping.

Cupping is a time-honored tradition that offers a unique opportunity to explore the rich flavors and aromas of Kona coffee in a structured and systematic way. By mastering the art of cupping, you can unlock the full potential of your favorite brews, gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation for the craftsmanship and artistry that goes into producing Kona coffee. So gather your beans, fire up your kettle, and get ready to taste like a pro—your journey into the world of Kona coffee awaits!

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Unlocking the Mystery Behind Kona Coffee Grading

Kona coffee is renowned for its exceptional quality and rich flavor, but what exactly sets it apart from other coffees around the world? One of the key factors that contribute to the unique character of Kona coffee is its grading system, which classifies beans based on size, moisture content, and defects. Understanding the intricacies of Kona coffee grading can help coffee enthusiasts and connoisseurs appreciate the craftsmanship and attention to detail that goes into producing this beloved Hawaiian brew. In this post, we’ll delve into the world of Kona coffee grading, demystifying the process and exploring what sets each grade apart.

Overview of Kona Coffee Grading

Kona coffee is graded based on a combination of factors, including bean size, moisture content, and defects. The grading system assigns a grade to each batch of coffee beans, ranging from the highest quality “Extra Fancy” grade to the lower grades such as “Prime” and “Natural Prime.” Each grade represents a different level of quality and consistency, with higher grades typically commanding higher prices in the market.

Factors Affecting Grading

Several factors influence the grading of Kona coffee beans, including altitude, soil quality, climate conditions, and farming practices. Beans grown at higher elevations tend to have denser, more flavorful profiles, while beans grown in nutrient-rich volcanic soil benefit from enhanced mineral content. Additionally, careful harvesting and processing techniques can help minimize defects and ensure uniform bean size and moisture content.

Understanding Kona Coffee Grades

Extra Fancy

The highest grade of Kona coffee, Extra Fancy beans are large, uniform in size, and free from defects. These beans exhibit the highest level of quality and consistency, with a complex flavor profile and rich aroma.


Fancy beans are slightly smaller than Extra Fancy beans but still exhibit excellent quality and consistency. While they may have minor defects, Fancy beans are prized for their balanced flavor and smooth finish.

No. 1

No. 1 beans are smaller in size and may have more defects than Fancy beans, but they still offer good quality and flavor. No. 1 beans are a popular choice for everyday brewing and are often used in blends.


Prime beans are smaller and may have more defects than No. 1 beans, but they still meet the minimum standards for Kona coffee quality. Prime beans are typically less expensive and are often used in lower-grade blends.

Natural Prime

The lowest grade of Kona coffee, Natural Prime beans are small and may have significant defects. While they may lack the complexity and flavor of higher-grade beans, Natural Prime beans can still be enjoyed for their unique characteristics.

Impact on Flavor and Quality

The grading of Kona coffee beans has a direct impact on the flavor and quality of the final brew. Higher-grade beans tend to exhibit more complex flavor profiles, with notes of fruit, chocolate, and floral aromas. Lower-grade beans may have more pronounced bitterness and acidity, with fewer nuances and subtleties in flavor.

Choosing the Right Grade

When selecting Kona coffee beans, it’s important to consider your personal preferences and brewing method. While Extra Fancy beans are prized for their exceptional quality and flavor, Fancy and No. 1 beans offer excellent value and are suitable for everyday brewing. Experimenting with different grades can help you discover your favorite flavor profiles and brewing styles.

Kona coffee grading is a fascinating process that reflects the dedication and expertise of Kona coffee farmers in producing some of the world’s finest coffees. By understanding the nuances of Kona coffee grading, coffee enthusiasts can gain a deeper appreciation for the craftsmanship and artistry that goes into producing this beloved Hawaiian brew. Whether you’re savoring the rich flavors of Extra Fancy beans or enjoying the everyday comfort of No. 1 beans, each cup of Kona coffee tells a story of tradition, quality, and passion that continues to captivate coffee lovers around the world.

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Hawaiian Coffee and Food Pairing: Perfect Matches

Coffee is more than just a beverage—it’s an experience that engages all the senses, from the aroma of freshly ground beans to the rich, complex flavors that dance on the palate. When paired thoughtfully with food, coffee can elevate the dining experience, complementing and enhancing the flavors of a wide range of dishes. In this post, we’ll explore the art of Hawaiian coffee and food pairing, uncovering the perfect matches that celebrate the unique flavors of Hawaiian cuisine and the rich diversity of Hawaiian coffee.

Kona Coffee and Ahi Poke

Pair the smooth, mellow flavors of Kona coffee with the vibrant, fresh flavors of Ahi poke for a match made in culinary heaven. The rich, buttery texture of the poke contrasts beautifully with the subtle acidity and nutty undertones of Kona coffee, creating a harmonious balance of flavors that delights the palate.

Maui Mokka Coffee and Macadamia Nut Pancakes

Indulge in the tropical flavors of Maui Mokka coffee paired with fluffy, golden-brown macadamia nut pancakes for a decadent breakfast or brunch treat. The rich, chocolatey notes of Maui Mokka coffee complement the buttery richness of the pancakes, while the crunchy texture of toasted macadamia nuts adds a delightful contrast.

Ka’u Coffee and Kalua Pork

Experience the bold, complex flavors of Ka’u coffee alongside the smoky, savory goodness of Kalua pork for a taste of Hawaii’s culinary heritage. The earthy, full-bodied profile of Ka’u coffee enhances the richness of the pork, while its subtle sweetness and hints of caramel add depth and complexity to the pairing.

Oahu Coffee and Loco Moco

Start your day with a hearty breakfast of loco moco paired with a cup of bold, flavorful Oahu coffee for a satisfying and comforting meal. The robust, full-bodied character of Oahu coffee complements the savory richness of the loco moco, while its bright acidity helps cut through the richness of the dish, leaving you refreshed and ready to take on the day. 5.

Hawaiian Peaberry Coffee and Haupia Pie

Treat yourself to a decadent dessert pairing of Hawaiian peaberry coffee and haupia pie, a classic Hawaiian dessert made with coconut milk and topped with toasted coconut flakes. The smooth, velvety texture of the peaberry coffee enhances the creamy richness of the haupia pie, while its fruity undertones and lingering finish provide a delightful contrast to the coconut flavor.

Hawaiian coffee and food pairing offers a delightful opportunity to explore the rich flavors and culinary traditions of the Hawaiian islands, combining the bold, complex profiles of Hawaiian coffee with the vibrant, diverse flavors of Hawaiian cuisine. Whether you’re enjoying a leisurely breakfast, a casual lunch, or an elegant dinner, there’s a perfect pairing waiting to be discovered that celebrates the unique tastes and cultural heritage of Hawaii. So pour yourself a cup of your favorite Hawaiian coffee, prepare a delicious dish, and embark on a culinary journey that delights the senses and celebrates the spirit of aloha.

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Beyond the Cup: Creative Recipes Using Kona Coffee

Kona coffee is renowned for its exceptional flavor and quality, prized by coffee enthusiasts around the world for its smooth, rich taste and nuanced aroma. But did you know that Kona coffee can also be a versatile ingredient in a wide range of culinary creations? From decadent desserts to savory sauces, there are countless ways to incorporate the unique flavors of Kona coffee into your cooking repertoire. In this post, we’ll explore creative recipes that go beyond the cup, showcasing the culinary potential of Kona coffee and inspiring you to experiment in the kitchen.

Kona Coffee Rubbed Steak

Elevate your steak game with a flavorful Kona coffee rub. Combine finely ground Kona coffee beans with kosher salt, black pepper, smoked paprika, and garlic powder to create a bold and aromatic rub for your favorite cut of steak. Massage the rub onto the steak, then grill or sear to perfection for a deliciously flavorful and aromatic meal.

Kona Coffee BBQ Sauce

Add a touch of Hawaiian flair to your barbecue with a homemade Kona coffee BBQ sauce. Simmer Kona coffee, ketchup, brown sugar, apple cider vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, and spices until thick and glossy. Brush the sauce onto grilled meats, ribs, or tofu for a sweet, tangy, and slightly smoky flavor that will have everyone coming back for more.

Kona Coffee Chocolate Truffles

Indulge your sweet tooth with decadent Kona coffee chocolate truffles. Infuse heavy cream with Kona coffee beans, then use the infused cream to make a rich ganache. Roll the ganache into small balls and coat with cocoa powder or melted chocolate. Chill until set, then enjoy the luxurious combination of smooth chocolate and aromatic coffee in every bite.

Kona Coffee Banana Bread

Give classic banana bread a tropical twist with the addition of Kona coffee. Add brewed Kona coffee to the batter along with ripe mashed bananas, cinnamon, and chopped nuts for a moist and flavorful loaf that’s perfect for breakfast or afternoon tea. Serve warm with a smear of butter for an irresistible treat.

Kona Coffee Tiramisu

Put a Hawaiian spin on the classic Italian dessert with Kona coffee tiramisu. Dip ladyfinger cookies in brewed Kona coffee and layer with a creamy mixture of mascarpone cheese, whipped cream, and sugar. Dust with cocoa powder and chill overnight for a decadent and indulgent dessert that’s sure to impress.

With its rich flavor and aromatic aroma, Kona coffee adds a touch of tropical elegance to a variety of culinary creations, from savory dishes to sweet treats. Whether you’re grilling up a storm, baking a batch of cookies, or whipping up a decadent dessert, there are endless ways to incorporate the unique flavors of Kona coffee into your cooking repertoire. So grab a bag of your favorite Kona coffee beans and let your culinary creativity soar as you explore the delicious possibilities that lie beyond the cup.

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Kona Coffee vs Other Hawaiian Varietals: A Taste Test

Hawaii is renowned for its exceptional coffee, with the Kona region on the Big Island standing as the crown jewel of Hawaiian coffee production. However, Hawaii’s diverse microclimates give rise to a variety of coffee varietals, each with its own unique flavor profile and characteristics. In this taste test, we’ll compare Kona coffee with other Hawaiian varietals, exploring the nuances of each and uncovering the distinct tastes that make Hawaiian coffee so beloved.

Kona Coffee

Kona coffee is celebrated for its smooth, rich flavor and low acidity, attributed to the region’s volcanic soil and ideal climate. Known for its balanced sweetness and hints of chocolate, caramel, and nutty undertones, Kona coffee offers a truly exceptional drinking experience that has captivated coffee enthusiasts worldwide.

Maui Mokka

Maui Mokka is a rare and distinctive coffee varietal grown on the slopes of the Haleakalā volcano on the island of Maui. Characterized by its petite beans and intense flavor profile, Maui Mokka boasts notes of chocolate, citrus, and spice, making it a favorite among coffee aficionados seeking something out of the ordinary.

Ka’u Coffee

Hailing from the southern district of the Big Island, Ka’u coffee is prized for its smooth, velvety texture and complex flavor profile. With notes of caramel, fruit, and floral undertones, Ka’u coffee offers a unique taste of Hawaii’s coffee-growing heritage, distinct from the flavors of Kona coffee.

Oahu Coffee

While Oahu may be best known for its bustling cities and stunning beaches, the island also boasts a burgeoning coffee industry. Oahu coffee is characterized by its bright acidity and lively flavor profile, with hints of citrus, floral, and nutty undertones, offering a refreshing alternative to the rich, mellow flavors of Kona coffee.

Taste Test

  • Gather a selection of freshly roasted Kona coffee and other Hawaiian varietals.
  • Brew each coffee using the same brewing method (e.g., pour-over, French press).
  • Take note of the aroma, flavor, body, and aftertaste of each coffee.
  • Consider factors such as acidity, sweetness, and complexity in your evaluation.
  • Invite friends, family, or fellow coffee enthusiasts to participate in the taste test and share their impressions.

As you embark on your taste test journey, savoring each sip of Kona coffee and other Hawaiian varietals, you’ll discover the diverse flavors and aromas that make Hawaiian coffee so unique and beloved. Whether you prefer the smooth richness of Kona coffee, the intense complexity of Maui Mokka, the velvety texture of Ka’u coffee, or the bright acidity of Oahu coffee, each varietal offers a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Hawaii’s coffee-growing heritage. So brew yourself a cup, explore the flavors, and celebrate the diversity of Hawaiian coffee with every sip.

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The Unique Flavor Profile of Kona Peaberry Coffee

Among the prized varieties of Kona coffee, the peaberry stands out for its distinctive flavor profile and exceptional quality. Known for its smooth, rich taste and complex aromas, Kona peaberry coffee offers a truly unique drinking experience that captivates coffee enthusiasts worldwide. In this post, we’ll explore the fascinating world of Kona peaberry coffee, delving into its origins, characteristics, and the factors that contribute to its unparalleled flavor.

Understanding Peaberry Coffee

Unlike traditional coffee beans, which consist of two halves enclosed in a single cherry, peaberry coffee beans develop as a single, rounded seed within the cherry. This natural mutation occurs in a small percentage of coffee cherries, resulting in beans that are smaller in size but denser and more flavorful than their flat counterparts. Kona peaberry coffee is prized for its unique shape and concentrated flavor profile, making it a favorite among discerning coffee connoisseurs.

Origin and Terroir

Kona peaberry coffee hails from the fertile slopes of Hawaii’s Big Island, where the unique microclimate and volcanic soil create ideal conditions for coffee cultivation. Grown at elevations ranging from 1,500 to 2,500 feet, Kona peaberry beans benefit from abundant sunshine, ample rainfall, and cool mountain breezes, which contribute to their complex flavor profile and exceptional quality. Each sip of Kona peaberry coffee offers a taste of the island’s rich terroir and the care and craftsmanship of its coffee farmers.

Flavor Profile

Kona peaberry coffee is prized for its smooth, velvety texture and well-balanced flavor profile. With its low acidity and subtle sweetness, Kona peaberry coffee offers notes of chocolate, caramel, and tropical fruit, complemented by hints of floral undertones and a lingering finish. The rounded shape of peaberry beans promotes even extraction during brewing, resulting in a consistently delicious cup of coffee with every sip.

Harvesting and Processing

Harvesting Kona peaberry coffee requires careful attention to detail, as farmers hand-select the rare peaberries from among the regular coffee cherries. Once harvested, the peaberries undergo the same meticulous processing methods as other Kona coffee beans, including pulping, fermentation, washing, and drying. This careful processing helps to preserve the unique flavor characteristics of the peaberries and ensure a high-quality final product.

Brewing Recommendations

To fully appreciate the nuanced flavors of Kona peaberry coffee, consider brewing it using methods that highlight its smooth, rich texture and complex aromas. Options such as pour-over, French press, or AeroPress allow for full immersion and extraction of the coffee’s flavors, while espresso enthusiasts may enjoy the concentrated intensity of a well-prepared shot of Kona peaberry espresso.

Kona peaberry coffee stands as a testament to the exceptional quality and craftsmanship of Hawaii’s coffee industry. With its unique flavor profile, rich terroir, and meticulous processing methods, Kona peaberry coffee offers a truly unparalleled drinking experience that delights the senses and captivates the palate. Whether enjoyed as a morning pick-me-up or savored as an afternoon indulgence, Kona peaberry coffee invites you to experience the essence of Hawaii in every sip.

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10 Must-Try Kona Coffee Blends for Coffee Enthusiasts offers a premium selection of 100% Kona coffee beans sourced directly from the slopes of Hawaii’s volcanic mountains. Their signature blend features a medium roast profile with a smooth, balanced flavor and hints of chocolate, caramel, and citrus. As one of the leading providers of Kona coffee online, is a trusted source for coffee enthusiasts seeking the finest quality beans from Hawaii’s renowned Kona region.

Mountain Thunder Kona Coffee

Handpicked from the slopes of the Mauna Loa volcano, Mountain Thunder Kona Coffee offers a smooth, velvety texture with hints of berry and spice. This medium-dark roast blend is perfect for those who prefer a bolder, more robust flavor.

Hula Daddy Kona Coffee

Hula Daddy Kona Coffee is renowned for its exceptional quality and meticulous attention to detail. Their Estate Medium Roast blend features notes of brown sugar, macadamia nut, and tropical fruit, delivering a truly unforgettable cup of coffee.

Greenwell Farms Private Reserve

Greenwell Farms has been producing premium Kona coffee for over 150 years, and their Private Reserve blend is a testament to their expertise. This medium roast blend features a smooth, well-balanced flavor with subtle hints of cocoa and spice.

Koa Coffee Estate Kona Coffee

Grown on the slopes of the Mauna Loa volcano, Koa Coffee Estate Kona Coffee is known for its rich, complex flavor and silky smooth texture. Their Medium Roast blend offers notes of caramel, toasted nuts, and dark chocolate, making it a favorite among coffee connoisseurs.

Kauai Coffee Kona Blend

Blending Kona coffee with beans from the neighboring island of Kauai, this unique blend offers a rich, full-bodied flavor with hints of caramel and stone fruit. Perfect for those looking to explore the diversity of Hawaiian coffee.

Royal Kona Coffee

Royal Kona Coffee has been a fixture in Hawaii’s coffee industry for over 50 years, and their Royal Kona Estate blend is a true testament to their legacy. This medium roast blend features a smooth, mellow flavor with notes of milk chocolate and toasted almond.

Holualoa Kona Coffee Company

Handcrafted in small batches, Holualoa Kona Coffee Company’s Medium Roast blend offers a rich, nuanced flavor with hints of caramelized sugar, citrus, and spice. Sourced from family-owned farms in the heart of the Kona Coffee Belt.

Hawaiian Queen Coffee

Hawaiian Queen Coffee’s Kona Blend is a harmonious combination of Kona coffee beans and beans from the lush rainforests of Hawaii. This medium-dark roast blend offers a bold, full-bodied flavor with notes of dark chocolate and roasted nuts.

Kaiulani Coffee Hawaii

Named after Hawaii’s beloved Princess Kaiulani, this premium Kona coffee blend features beans from the slopes of Mauna Loa and Hualalai volcanoes. With its smooth, balanced flavor and subtle floral notes, Kaiulani Coffee Hawaii is a true taste of paradise.

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How to savor and taste Kona coffee

Cup of Kona Coffee with biscotti

A comprehensive guide on how to properly taste Kona Coffee

Learn to appreciate Kona coffee by learning to properly taste it

Some argue the coffee is a rare treat and its own reward, that doesn’t mean one shouldn’t properly appreciate how to taste Kona coffee.

Sometimes, a few minutes is all someone has to appreciate a cup of coffee. But when you have the time, it’s best to relax and savor the moment.  Maximize enjoyment with your very limited Kona coffee tasting.  The time you take will go a long way toward appreciation and happiness.
Continue reading How to savor and taste Kona coffee

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What Makes Kona Coffee Special?

What Makes Kona Coffee Special

What Makes Kona Coffee Special?

“Kona Coffee has a richer flavor than any other, be it grown where it may and call it by what name you please,” said Mark Twain in 1866. Indeed, people recognize and value Kona Coffee around the world for its special aroma and unique flavor. Rare and unique, Kona coffee is precious to the people of Hawaii and to the people who have tasted it at least once. But what makes Kona coffee special?

Why Does Kona Coffee Taste so Good?

Kona Coffee Plantation
Coffee farm in Kona, Hawaii

What gives Kona Coffee its unique taste prized all over the world? The rich volcanic soil, high elevation, ideal temperatures, and cloud coverage from Hualalai and Mauna Loa Mountains make Kona region the best place to grow coffee beans. The Kona Mountains protect the land from harsh weather. Moreover, sunny mornings and light rains in the afternoon provide the perfect climate for growing coffee. Consequently, this unique environment gives Kona Coffee an advantage over other types of coffee grown in different parts of the world.

People of Hawaii Take Great Care of Kona Coffee

Kona Coffee trees usually bloom after the winter and are ready for harvesting by the end of the summer. Before the harvest begins, you can see the change in the coffee trees. Instead of the beautiful white flowers, “Kona Snow”, the trees have red beans resembling cherries. It is not cheap to grow coffee free of infestation. Ordinarily, this is what makes Kona coffee special and more expensive than many other types of coffee.

What Makes Kona Coffee Special
Ripe Kona Coffee “Cherries”

After the coffee is hand-picked, it might take two weeks for it to be ready for sale after pulping, drying, and hulling before grading. Only the best coffee beans make it into the final product. The 100% Kona coffee directly from the Kona region of the Big Island of Hawaii meets very high standards. People working on the coffee fields and farms, at the mills, and over the roasters take great care to make sure customers drink the best coffee. Furthermore, there are strict rules for labeling coffee in Hawaii, and only true Kona coffee can receive a label 100% Kona coffee. The Kona Coffee Council was formed to protect Kona coffee.

Kona Coffee Is a Rare Find

Real Kona coffee is very rare. Only coffee from the South and North districts of Kona region of the Big Island of Hawaii is truly Kona Coffee. If you purchase a Kona blend in a store, it might have as little as 10% of Kona coffee beans. Meanwhile, the other 90% is made up of less expensive types of coffee beans.

Drinking real Kona Coffee is a wonderful experience. The best way to find a truthful product is to order it directly from a locally owned and operated source. This is why we offer 100% Pure Kona Coffee directly from Kona, Hawaii with FREE shipping options on select products. It is no wonder people from all over the world love Kona coffee. Its unique blend of aromatic flavors and rich taste make it the best coffee around! Some say its the best in the world. Give it a try, and you may never want to drink any other coffee again.